Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chris Cowsill feature set

This weeks HGA meeting, Nov.26, featuring  CHRIS COWSILL

Graduate of Mohawk Music, music teacher , band front man and one time cruise musician, Chris plays an eclectic mix of  soul full melodies. I really like his seventies singer / songwriter tunes and of course, his Robert Johnson stuff, but I'm a real sucker for those old blues numbers.

This link to "gravity" is an excellent example of Chris's lead guitar skill, rhythm groove and vocal ability.

Gonna be scads of fun,
see you Monday,


Saturday, November 10, 2012

HGA Nov.12 featuring Darcy Wickham

This week's Hamilton Guitar Assoc. meeting at The Pheasant Plucker, 20 Augusta st. Hamilton, show starts at 8:00. Featuring the exceptional, multi style guitar picking of, musician, teacher, song writer.and friend of the HGA, Darcy Wickham.
Click for a vid of Darcy doing, "Malahat Highway"